< Schreibworkshop mit Irmgard Kramer
09.07.2015 14:57 Alter: 9 yrs
Kategorie: Schülerbeitrag

Ride to Freedom - In Chicago

Anahita Pasdar ist eine Schülerin der 6m und fährt eineinhalb Monate mit dem Fahrrad quer durch die USA, um auf die buddhistische Meditationspraktik Falun Gong, deren Anhänger in China verfolgt werden, aufmerksam zu machen.

On July 2nd we, the Ride to Freedom team arrived in Chicago. On July 3rd we went to the city to take pictures and to tell people in the streets about our project . It was a successful and funny day.

Today is July the 4th, Independence Day. We were invited to an event in a church that was about human rights issues for black people. It was great to meet people who care about human beings, too. There was a choir, it was really entertaining but also very loud. In the afternoon we participated in the big parade in Chicago. I really liked the parade and I am happy that I could participate. Even though it was very exhausting because after talking to so many people about our project I had to run for 50-100 meters to catch up our vehicle. When I arrived at our group I was panting. So many people showed their support by taking selfies with us that we uploaded on facebook.

Tomorrow on day 35 we will leave Chicago. I am looking forward to seeing some more cities. Furthermore we all seek a meeting with president Obama in Washington DC as it would be a great support.

Anahita Pasdar, 6m